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<PREVIOUS ARTICLE >> ACADEMIA. Michael Epstein. "From Arts to Humanities" HD NEXT ARTICLE >> BBC - Why-we-Moon-Do-We-Really-Need-the-Moon-(2012)> Animal Planet: Animal Armageddon. (8 series of 8) HD watch movie online in good quality.
Series 1: Rays doom / Toedliche Strahlen / Death Rays: scientists argue about the very first global danger of extinction just emerging life on a small blue planet caused by the explosion and the release of radiation from distant stars.
Series 2: Hell on Earth / Die Hoelle auf Erden / Hell on Earth: the earth, first amphibians, but they are under threat of extinction manitowoc parts after the unprecedented surge capacity to boiling lava from the earth's interior. manitowoc parts Series 3: majestic extinction / Das grosse Sterben / The Gre at Dying: the strongest volcanic eruptions actually kill all life on the planet, leaving only a few most adapted species. Specifically, they continue to fight for life in the harsh conditions of continuous eruptions. Series 4: choking / Langsames Ersticken / Strangled: Armageddon caught after volcanic earth, barely surviving a few species awaiting a new trial. From the wealth ejected into the atmosphere gases and ash, the air actually matching the Earth for life. Episode 5: Judgement Day / Das Ende der Dinosaurier / Doomsday: life, after all, thrives on Earth and then the crown of her creations were dinosaurs. But an asteroid that came from outer space, manitowoc parts the simultaneous ended the existence of the species, the ruling planet for over 150 million years. Episode 6: razverznutsya heaven / Tod aus der Luft / Panic in the sky: the fall to earth asteroid began the decline manitowoc parts of the era of dinosaurs - kind quickly flourished before dying, but to replace him comes brand new life. Series 7: Ohn and ice / Feuer und Eis / Fire and Ice: the earth is reborn after the death of the dinosaurs to replace them comes a new species, Homo sapiens, first, but the most powerful volcanic eruptions threaten to kill the germs of modern life. Series 8: The coming extinction / Die Zukunft der Erde / The Next Extinction: a person is considered to be evolutionarily dominant in the world, much the same as when you dinosaurs extinct a hundred percent after falling manitowoc parts meteor. And if humanity manages to survive manitowoc parts a similar catastrophe? manitowoc parts
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