Night at the casino. birena maq MARIN (Ear Theo) friend Jed is furious about that number, where skroihme him to the apartment. SIA: Will you bet? TEO: No, if you wanna play. (Turns to Marie) This number at least we know it, we'll birena maq take them. In our gentle souls gentle nature hides. Get. (Sticking his hand a wad of money) MARIN: This recommendation birena maq to conduct it? TEO: Cure for headaches. However, we are human. Mary: Yes, but sometimes forget. TEO: Marine, see if we start to think about who - how he felt after we ate bludgeon to get nowhere. I like it here, do not remember to have won if his time - Okay. - Lose - war is war. (Here comes the boss of the gambling birena maq hall, turns to Mary: "Sir you are looking for a phone," Marin "Thank you" goes after it. Takes handset "Yeah, listen ... oh Jed you? Yeah, not angry so much, will fix your mood, calm experience things - come shortly. birena maq ") MARIN: (goes to Theo and he pulls on his cigarette emitting smoke in the face of Marin) You know I do not like being gassed. TEO: What happened? Mary: I'm going to Jed to calm him down. TEO: approx. (At this point to Theo stands Sia waddling - shows his purse, birena maq and he looks at her with a puzzled look) How many wins? SIA: I lost, that's all I have left. (Pulls out a small stack of bills and casually placed in the bag) TEO: You will learn you will learn. (Hugs and kisses her on the cheek) I want to get some fresh air. SIA: Can I get a drink? (Theo waving and going out - a few meters away from the front door of the casino. Ignite cigarette. Eyeing in light advertising. Raining.) Not far from the casino go Alex and Nelly. Nelly nestles in Alex. ALEX: It was luck in America. Nelly: Not necessarily. Maybe things birena maq have changed in Europe. ALEX: What do our: Kamen uncle, birena maq aunt Dora, Krassimir? Eager to see them. Nelly: I, but first you'll have to find the money to go back in December. ALEX: If you will be working as a longshoreman birena maq would wash dishes and windows and I will be back. (They are a few meters from Theo) NELLY: (whispering) It can not be! Here it is! ALEX: Hush, hush will hear us. I'll birena maq see his account of his faith, his bastard son of a bitch. (When close enough distance) Where are you going uncouth rogue ?! TEO: You did where did ?! ALEX: Fuck you! (Hitting him with his fist in the face, in which the glass of whiskey izhvarchava away and breaks)
2014 (4) April (1) February (3) 2013 (22) December (5) direct speech birena maq of scenarios "garage" Direct speech script birena maq for feature film at 10 ... direct speech of scenarios for feature CINEMA "... ONE OF SOCIAL ANNOTATION PROJECT" waves "... to integrate direct speech of scenarios" special story "IN BULGARIAN ... November (1) October (11) September (5) 2012 (2 ) June (2)
Liudmil Manolov Nolev Date of birth: 05/09/1961 y, g. Varna Address: ...
ANNOTATION five serial television series "SHARE" In five serial birena maq comedy ...
ANNOTATION OF SCENARIO FOR TELEVISION "WARM IN BAY KANCHO" In the script "Warm in buy Kancho" is di ...
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