I welcome's this forumo and you pozdravljam.Imam maliproblem which is as follows: In sheet 1 from B1 to B1000 to record the X which we would be in Listu2 in vrastici B1 aggregated X.To would look something like this Sheet1 B1 = enrolled X in sheet 2 B1 is recorded how many times I've subscribed to Listu1 shaved ice maker Sheet1 B2 = X enrolled in sheet 2 B2 is entered how many times I've subscribed to the Journal 1, and so on. I am also interested how it would look on Listu1 entered X automatically erase that could then empty rows record the new X Liatu2 course, but I can not delete the results. Is justified if I was not clear enough. Thanks to a favorable solution. lp Princess Posts: 10 Joined: February 14, 2012 11:01 am
Hello, is not this in mind I have to subscribe to LISTU1 A1 X or NO. in sheet 2 would do this six AND LISTU2 this result does not delete LISTU1 A1 to subscribe shaved ice maker or C name. in sheet 2 would do this six but in this new line is A2, and so on to justify because I'm not so skilled in these matters lp Princess Posts: 10 Joined: February 14, 2012 11:01 am
is justified because I'm not so skilled in these matters is not the problem, because it is a forum ... but it is true that obviously want something in Excel is not directly supported or. Excel is not intended shaved ice maker to why such. Excel is not designed for tasks where it would be necessary shaved ice maker to know what it was once written shaved ice maker in a cell ... a little description of what it originally wanted to save, so do not how but what ...
hm ... I went brother the entire issue and as far as I can see, you are looking for something like this: Both sheet (List1, List2) are empty sheets 1 enter X in column B, for example, lines 3, 18, 28, and 100 due to the introduction of X s on sheet 1 you on the sheet 2 in rows 3,18, 28 and 100 enter the number 1 (because they are enrolled in these lines Xi sheet 1) Then on sheet 1 of Xe delete on a sheet 2 while the values in rows 3 , 18, 28 and 100 remain. Then re-enter shaved ice maker the Xe sheet 1 to say the lines 5, 15, 28, 100, 105 and because of this the Journal of the correct value 2 in row 3 says 1 (before), in line 5 also writes 1, 15 and 18 also 1, 28 and 100 but ... 2 Then simply repeat the delete and enter X's on sheet 2 but still want to have totals ... Is this what you are looking for?
But, and this is then exactly what is needed also in the above-mentioned issue (http://www.matjazev.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1693 3), and, unfortunately, it is also answer is the same: With built-in functions this can not be solved, macro, of course, can be made. The macro must follow the changes in sheet 1 and take appropriate action in the sheet second
After a long browsing foromu semi succeeded to find this code which we work prebližno what I want you enclose: Sub PrepisiIzList1NaList2 () Dim v1 As Long 'row shaved ice maker on sheet 1 Dim v2 As Long' row on sheet 2 Dim l1 As Worksheet 'Worksheet shaved ice maker 1 Dim l2 As Worksheet 'Worksheet 1 Set l1 = Worksheets ("Sheet1") Set l2 = Worksheets shaved ice maker ("Sheet2")' walk to the sheet 1, as long as they are written the names of v1 = 1 While (Not IsEmpty (l1.Cells (v1, 1))) 'walk to the sheet 2 and I'm looking for the name of the sheet 1 v2 = 1 While (Not IsEmpty (l2.Cells (v2, 1))) And (l1.Cells (v1, 1) <> l2.Cells ( v2, 1)) v2 = v2 + 1 Wend 'enter the name in sheet 2 l2.Cells (v2, 1) = l1.Cells (v1, 1) l2.Cells (v2, 2) = l2.Cells shaved ice maker (v2, 2 ) + 1 v1 = v1 + 1 Wend End Sub Now I pasamo interested in how nerediti a button aktivirenje on listu1 because now I have the page to activate the smart symbol to panic too comfortable, shaved ice maker or maybe there is some other variant to activate the first sheet lp Princess Posts: 10 Joined: shaved ice maker February shaved ice maker 14, 2012 11:01 am
Depending on the version of Excel that you have. If you have an older Excel 2007 then open the toolbar 'Forms' and there you will find a control button that you only download on sheet 1 and soon will open a window where you can choose the macro to be executed when the user clicked the button. If you have Excel 2007 or later, but the buttons located on the skirt 'developer'. If Rezvijalec tab in the ribbon do not see, do the following: click 'Office button' - this is the button at the top left of the Excel menu, click the 'Excel Options' (bottom right) A new window opens and there you have the option of 'Popular' sub-option: 'In the tab strip show' Developer shaved ice maker ', which of course you need to tick!
thanks for the help, Now I made a button on sheet 1 and I do not know what is the macro that I recorded these numbers when you press it copied in addition, sheet 2 lepdan continue princess Posts: 10 Joined: February 14, 2012 11:01 am
How do you know which macro, if you say that you mountain macro do what you want => so this is also an answer to your question - the button shaved ice maker you need to attach a macro mountain but, there's PrepisiIzList1NaList2 '
thanks for the help works great now, I am interested in whether it is a true macro soltiranje that we should soltiral in the second sheet, column A and B, and where it should be prepnem.Želela when I press the button to confirm on the first sheet to me automatically soltiralo in
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