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Today Star Forum :: Games and online networks :: Crossfire Share | explain all ranks in the Crossfi

Today Star Forum :: Games and online networks :: Crossfire Share | explain all ranks in the Crossfire Jump icesextube to page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.6 Author Message
Mood: optimistic Jaddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Topic: Explanation of all ranks in the Crossfire الجمعة يوليو 01, 2011 11:17 pm
In the name of God the Merciful I naharda Jayb explanation of each level of explanation and AVI so I hope it's you like and I hope to install the subject of the lack of like him in the Forum I hope reply and attention Ashan I and God very tired in the subject Deh and Almighty God the subject of Rfie whole begin the explanation first Mtaml Laconte Htlaqy Chklo LEC de Lesa trainee and Esmoh English TRAINEE 1 affection Tani one marker TRAINEE 2 de upgrade Elly enemy Esmoh PRIVATE you to reach for the upgrade de Btakhadd 10 000 GB friendly upgrade Elly then and Esmoh PFC de upgrade icesextube Elly then the name CORPORAL In the upgrade DVD which features a lot 1 - enters icesextube any possible Klan 2 - possible answers bomb Flash 3 - possible answers weapon p90 4 - possible answers weapon k2 affection of the best weapons of the game and then, upgrade de name SERGEANT 1 de advantages awesome .... Continued 1 - Bigilk where 20 000 GB 2 - Bafathlk weapon Esmoh aug a1 3-scar heavy 4-famas 5-desirt egil 6-sg552 first type of which is the upgrade DVD name STAFF SERGEANT 1 de Mmazatha Kteyeeyeaaier 1 - Btakhadd 30 000 GB 2 - You can buy awm 3-ak47 4-g36k 5-anakonda and will stay Taatrka up Mtousel to upgrade Dee Dee possible operate Klan operates Les image bought and scar light and xm8 and Hatrka a view to Mtousel to upgrade Dee Dee called CFC and Httrka up Mtousel with a friendly name MASTER SERGEANT and Httrka up Mtousel icesextube of Amowod ranks has a mesh Ptda any need sincere first rank de name SECOND LIEUTENANT 1 and will stay Taatrka a view to Mtousel of the rank and DVD called FIRST LIEUTENANT 1 and will stay Taatrka up to Rank Dee Dee name captin1 dimensions Henkhc in Order new DVD the first rank of the grade de name major and will stay convey up to the rank of Mtousel name Dee Dee LIEUTENANT COLONEL icesextube 1 and will stay Haddmtousel be promoted to a friendly name for the Eagle rank colenol de sweet and Httrka icesextube up to the star and has been like that the last rank and I finally concluded that I hope I am the subject and I hope you like the attention and reply Star Forum Today to allow the transfer icesextube of the subject, but only with the source said Age: 18
Mood: ryek Subject: icesextube Re: Explanation of all ranks in the Crossfire السبت يوليو 02, 2011 12:16 am
Excellent explanation from a member icesextube of more than one gorgeous received Eidak hard and your own topics are all characteristic of God enlighten you Star Forum Today to allow the transfer of the subject, but only with the source said Age: 15
Job / hobbies: Doctor, icesextube God willing,
God íÎáíßă Leah guys and God you are the best people in the forum sweeter and, God willing, be in progress Star Forum Today to allow the transfer of the subject, but only with the source said Signature Club culmination of the most in the world FORZA MILAN no god but Allah, the number of what it was, and the number is, the number of movements and stillness explain all ranks in the Crossfire similar icesextube themes similar topics announcement contest hire customs in all ranks 2012-2013 All codes gta san andreas Arabic + game + Auto + new way. Albach + figures Dragonball + externa Next Page Last Page View All Posts fully Thumbnail View All Posts meryxsi Posts: 273 Points of Excellence: icesextube 65 member Morocco the number of days since joining download software firewall Fire well PrivateFirewall Explain how the Internet ĎÇćäáćĎ Manager running on Firefox All orders stomping Page 1 of 6 Jump to page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.6 Keywords Tag
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