Sunday, March 2, 2014

2012 was not the best for the Arctic. This summer indicator thinning sea ice has reached historic l

Season attacks on nature is in full swing and going on a picnic in the green zone, you want to feel complete oneness with nature. But how to do it ...
2012 was not the best for the Arctic. This summer indicator thinning sea ice has reached historic lows: the autumn ice thickness was 18% less than ever in the history of record keeping. As noted by American scientists in the annual report of the arctic conditions, sea ice in the region is currently commercial ice machines very young and thin. And that's an understatement. But was not this year, and anomalous. Arctic sea ice increases commercial ice machines and decreases with the seasonal changes, but his average at least as of the end of summer with every decade is reduced by about 13 percent. In this sixth of September with the lowest occur in the last 6 years.
Simply register to disable ads in the text! Join Now! :) Scientists unanimously believe commercial ice machines that the main catalyst is the human-induced global warming, which, among other things, enhanced chain reaction called "Arctic amplification." (Antarctic sea ice is more protected from warming, and recently increased its area.) Problem has been widely discussed in all social strata due to visual impact on polar bears. But while many people are aware that humanity destroys sea ice using global commercial ice machines warming, few people think about the other side of the coin. We know that the sea ice is important for polar bears, but the role he plays for us? By asking this question, commercial ice machines it is easy to overlook the other hazards that may occur due to climate change, from the strongest storms commercial ice machines and prolonged droughts and desertification to the oxidation of the oceans. Even by itself melting glaciers may be a disaster, and not just for polar bears. Let us consider some of the advantages offered us the sea ice. 1. It reflects the sun's rays remain commercial ice machines cold Poles of the Earth, mainly because they get less sunlight commercial ice machines than other latitudes of the planet. But there is another reason: the white sea ice, because commercial ice machines it reflects much of the sunlight back into space. This reflects the ability, also known as the "albedo", provides a constant low temperature at the poles, limiting amounts of heat. With the decrease in the volume of ice more water surface falls under the sun's commercial ice machines rays, absorbs more heat ocean, causing, in turn, further melting commercial ice machines and degradation albedo. This is an example of a closed circuit when the additional warming provokes warming. 2. It affects ocean currents adjusting the heat level at the poles, sea ice also affects the temperature worldwide. This is because the Earth's oceans and air act as heat engines, transferring heat to the cold poles in a constant quest for balance. One way - the atmospheric circulation, or large-scale movement of air. Another, slower way under water, where ocean currents carry heat to the World "pipeline" in a process called "thermohaline circulation." Using regional differences commercial ice machines in heat and salinity, this kind of circulation directs weather on land and at sea. Loss of sea ice affect this process in two ways. First, warmer poles can disrupt Earth's overall heat transfer commercial ice machines due to changes in the temperature gradient. Second, changes in air currents pushing more sea ice to the Atlantic, where it is converted into cold fresh water. (Seawater pushes salt during freezing.) Since the salinity commercial ice machines is lower density, melted sea ice drifting on the surface rather than sinking, as the cold salt water. And as the thermohaline circulation needs in cold water, descending down to the high latitudes, the process can stop the flow of warm water from the tropics, rising up. 3. He works as an insulator. Whatever may have been the cold Arctic Ocean, it is still warmer winter air. Sea ice serves as insulation between these surfaces, limiting amounts of heat emitted by the ocean. As albedo, this is another way of keeping the cold Arctic climate provided by sea ice. But it melts, is covered with cracks and holes, allowing commercial ice machines the heat to rise. As scientists say, about half of the total heat exchange between the Arctic Ocean and the atmosphere occurs through holes in the ice. 4. He holds the methane through thin sea ice can seep not only heat. Scientists have long known that the Arctic tundra and marine commercial ice machines sediments contain large deposits of methane in a frozen state. Melting and the release of greenhouse gas poses a threat to climate disaster. But in April 2012, NASA researchers discovered another surprising and potentially important source of methane commercial ice machines Arctic - the Arctic Ocean itself. commercial ice machines To the north of the Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea, scientists have recorded the mysteries

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