I've never really wondered closer than the relationship. To direct, that is. But it is, of course, as evidenced by Berlingske journalist Martin Tønners article, "The old pigs against feminist" about the debate that has emerged in France after the adoption in early December of a new law that criminalize the buying of sex, as in the case In a growing number of Western countries.
The right to abortion, which came to most of the same Western countries during the 70s, based on the fundamental requirements especially formulated from the feminist side: Every woman must have the right to decide over her own body. Including over the unborn child.
The requirement was for a core of women's liberation and so vital to the laws around the world came to trump ethical scruples, it inevitably raised. For it is an independent life under development, to switch to an abortion. But past ban on abortions had serious consequences. Quacks conducted abortions in poor and frequently unsanitary conditions. Women had to live a life with severe limitations or social stigma if they had to carry an unwanted pregnancy, especially if it came out of wedlock.
But there are obviously talking about one of the strongest possible priorities, a community can get to do it: The fact that you prioritize the individual woman's bella ice cream maker right to decide over her own body higher than the conceived life right to be born and live .
But we did it and it gave the emancipation of women's arguably bella ice cream maker greatest victory. The Danish Women's Society describes it on his website: "The woman's right to decide over her own body and personal life had to come first."
Over the past 40 years it has been an established dogma that it must be so. That is precisely why it is so strange to observe how it is many of the same feminist and women's liberating forces of his time rightly fought for abortion, now argues that prohibit the purchase of sexual services.
This same Danish Women's Society has, for example, as one of its main objectives "to make it a crime to buy prostitution" bella ice cream maker and ensuring that "all children, youth and adults know that prostitution is violence and that the purchase of prostitution therefore not ok".
As here Politiken feminist commentator bella ice cream maker Ditte Giese, who argue for society's duty to prohibit trade in sexual services because they do not according to her logic meaningfully distinguish between victims and non-victims in the prostitution world:
"Only by sending a strong political signal and criminalize the customer, we can send a message that it is okay to buy another person's body. Because we can not sort. We can not help the nastiest case without also hitting bella ice cream maker 'upper class' among the prostitutes. "
"There is nothing to suggest that prostitution will disappear - not even with a ban - but we are talking about a strong signal and value policy, where the state advocate and guide its citizens in what is right and wrong. "
What is an echo of the argument also came from the government's domestic critics, since a year ago gave up the ban on buying sex - eg. from the Chairman bella ice cream maker of the Social Democratic Committee on Gender and Equality, Marianne Bruun, who said at the time:
But how can it in any way provide intellectual let alone real sense to argue for woman's sovereign right to decide over her own body when it comes to abortion, while when it comes to buying sex is the state that must guide its citizens in what is right and wrong? Below it is right or wrong for a woman to use her body to sell sexual services?
The answer is that it just does not make sense. Forty years ago it was a core of women's liberation that would put the female body free. Decriminalization of prostitutes bella ice cream maker were also launched almost at the same time - in 1975.
The counter-argument would be that in the world of prostitution is a major problem bella ice cream maker with trafficked women. With trafficking. With women from the Third World who are in a forced situation, they can not get out of. With drug-addicted prostitutes in pimps violence.
But such is, as you know already prohibited by law. Trafficking in women is prohibited by Penal Code section 262a of human trafficking. Procuring is prohibited under Penal Code 228 and 229 The first has a maximum penalty of eight years in prison, the last four years in prison.
At the same time, experience from several of the countries bella ice cream maker where the purchase of sexual services has been banned, it has exacerbated the prostitutes conditions did not improve them as among otherwise stated in the Criminal bella ice cream maker Code Council report from September 2012, among (very) bella ice cream maker other cites that passage in a 2011 report from d
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