I warn you, is a long and text certainly possible technical zaman es enough zaman es about drinking water nitrates in general and in particular, it's a pretty popular topic lately that concerns me especially because I try to give Sofia a home good life (and drinking polluted water does not seem a good start: D). Originally just wanted to write about a very cool initiative of the Carpathian Aqua, then I started reading about the subject and I woke up two days in a row digging Internet nitrites and nitrates effects on the body, the impossibility of measuring the amount of nitrates and nitrites in our diet, about contaminated zaman es water and lethal disease in babies. I try to summarize my findings, which, although the subject is very thorny, are quite clear and simple. And I hope to be correct, hm.
Tap water is not one of our favorites, of all. It tastes bad (from chlorine is added to water to kill bacteria), it's hot when we we want the spring cold, it's hard, we spoil us dries the skin and appliances. However, I believe that tap water is one of the safest drinking water in the long term. It does not contain bacteria and any excess zaman es minerals (talk about average, I know that there are also many areas where the water is very hard for those areas recommend softening plants), unlike mineral water (or bubble) we drink in huge quantities without taking into account that many of the minerals in question could be excessive and could have negative effects on the body long term. Furthermore, bottled zaman es mineral water (and therefore zaman es payment) is often stored in improper conditions, sun and heat. By exposure to sunlight and excessive heat petul (plastic container) issued our drinking water all kinds of substances our body much fun (dioxin, among others). We drink. zaman es And that certainly zaman es does not make us better.
Many people say that tap water is contaminated with who knows what miracles. I do not believe it, except in extremely rare cases, zaman es when the pipes are exposed to outdoor buildings or possibly intentionally contaminated. We did some tests on tap water from us at home and went well.
For those of Bucharest zaman es Apa Nova provides regular reports about water quality, you can view here, by sector and addresses. You there about nitrates, nitrites, iron, hardness, aluminum and bacteria in drinking water. zaman es Sure, if I were a fan of conspiracy theory, I believe that the reports are false, but they are not. The more so as occasional drink tap water at home in Piatra Neamt I never bought mineral water, 18 I just drank tap water and never had problems.
I walked on the internet I found out that there are still parents who cook plain water that I give the children (or drinking milk powder preparation). The boiled water is evaporated, and the concentration zaman es of salt in it increases. Boiling not only remove microorganisms, which however does not really belong in bottled water, and everything else that you might scare in plain water or nitrates, nitrites, iron and other minerals not disappear by boiling, on the contrary, become more concentrated. It is dangerous, people, little ones kidneys can not filter properly liquid so hard, you overload the kidneys and endanger zaman es their health. zaman es Do not boil water, never! On one tap you can cook (provided that water is not hard, in which case the problem is the same as for mineral water), if all you want to be sure. Or you can mount a filter.
Returning to nitrates, which are subject to the most recent initiative of the Carpathian Aqua. They shall make available to the public free tests that measure in a minute level of nitrates in any water. Looks like a pregnancy test to be entered 2 seconds the water you want to analyze, then over another 60 seconds read the result of comparing the color tester with color scale printed on the packaging. Receive free tests Aqua Carpathian teams from Carrefour, Cora, Auchan, Mega Image and Kaufland. Request from the Carpathian Aqua is for you to test as many drinking water, be they from the tap, springs, rivers, bottled waters, and then enter the test results in purity test application on Facebook, as soon to have a complete zaman es map of the poorest and high nitrate water sources in Romania, and a ranking of bottled water in terms of quantities that contain nitrates.
Why is it important level of nitrates in drinking zaman es water? Well, here is a more complicated problem. I used mainly as an information site acquis US Environmental Protection Agency, then cross sources and other sites (1, 2, 3).
There have been cases in which babies less than six months c
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