Thursday, January 29, 2015

The second way is to play. The mother can pretend to be a hair hands can make similar noises, is sl

Matthew's afraid of electric dryers for hands in public baths. He is so afraid that when he is forced to go to a public toilet wept make real crisis. His mother has three variants (just to tell Matthew that the dryer is ok not help, fear of not rational, Matthew knows that the dryer is not a real threat, yet is afraid of it, talking about it does not help too more). So his mother can: 1. completely ice cream machines for sale avoid places with electric dryers ice cream machines for sale hands 2. Let us help Matthew to manage anxiety and pass over it 3. Matthew expose him to subject his panic slowly step by step
The problem with the first option is that avoiding dryers hands does nothing to her boy confirm that these devices are really ice cream machines for sale dangerous. In addition, they can not be avoided forever, right? The boy will grow and will, at some point, to approach the public baths.
The third variant requires patience. Matthew's mother can go with him in a public bathroom. There can play the game with Stop & Go. Shoulder to shoulder, both submit to the dryer. ice cream machines for sale Matthew can say anything Stop when fear is too big. They stop, talk, and Matthew and mother say go and start again. ice cream machines for sale Today may be forward 1 meter, tomorrow maybe Matt will complain, the day after tomorrow will submit 2 meters, can be overcome with patience panic. It is very important that your child does not lose confidence in the parent, not forced in any way, hurry, we want to feel safe, loved, accepted. ice cream machines for sale
The second way is to play. The mother can pretend to be a hair hands can make similar noises, is slowly coming Matthew wants to catch him, stumbles, making strange noises, Matthew begins to laugh. Or maybe Matthew to be drier hands and her mother run, which runs scared of him and cry in play. As long as the baby laughs at the expense of the object ice cream machines for sale that scares him, much of the anxiety is resolved. Warning, do not feel offended child or mocked, ice cream machines for sale never! Watch her reaction, we want to make him laugh!
In an experiment for school, Larry (Cohen) observed an interesting phenomenon, which was born a very cool theory about anxiety (this is one of the most interesting things I've heard lately). Larry's mother was a kindergarten directories and each year put brooding eggs, to chicken out for children. On weekends and evenings, Larry had to take care of chickens. Spend more time with them, he noted that if a chicken, ice cream machines for sale still keeps his hand stuck to the table and threatening him up (like a hawk), playing dead chicken 1 minute (as a method of defense). If you do the same with two cubs, one by one in each hand, both the dead chickens are 5 minutes (the pups looked at each other, I see no danger but I suppose if the other chickens did not move, he sees a danger, so that sit motionless). If it's just a chicken looked threatening and the other not, not playing dead chicken (chicken looking at other walking free and concludes that there is no danger around).
10-15% of children are anxious by nature (genetic reasons, following trauma experienced by the mother during pregnancy etc). Anxiety is an irrational fear that can not be controlled. For them, the dangers are everywhere. Often, to defuse irrational fear of a child must be for him the second chicken attentive eye looks around and sees no danger. For that, you need a parent to put in place the child. Just tell her that everything is okay is not enough, because ice cream machines for sale it will not make a difference, fear of the child is often irrational. But if you understand the fear to behave normally are little chances as normal behavior, increasingly convinced that it is in real danger. Frightened child sees the world through a filter which presents the world as full of danger. You must help him to get rid of them. Tell your child when you see him scared - Baby, look into my eyes, see panic? View afraid? (Yes, you might see the fear that no longer manage to never wash it on the head because he is afraid of shampoo, or something similar)
The child says it's a dinosaur in the room and you insist it's not? Maybe if you sit in bed with him do you see that wall lamp shade shape of a dinosaur. All you have to do is move the lamp, and ready.
If you want to climb the little box above the playground and fears, what are you doing? ice cream machines for sale We encourage you to give up? What's worse in the long run, a broken hand or a child unsure of himself, shy, frustrated that he can not do what other kids do? Encourage him to climb, eventually goes with him to help him feel safe, then let him discover what to do to make yourself safe (where you put your feet, to take better etc) .
Empathy is very important in solving CONCERNS

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