Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A summary of the event can be found here. This paper presents my participation in the Blog Event XC

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A summary of the event can be found here. Zorra has recently proclaimed one of their events again. The theme this time is Greek yogurt or yogurt Greek style. Yes, the idea was immediately there, even before I could be at all sure whether I would actually find in my small town here Greek yogurt. Conceptually, the ice was ready the next day: apricots, thyme, acacia honey, yogurt. As compensation for the optical accident last blogger event by Zorra with my participation (Sweet Burger Battle), there is this time an extra beautiful photo.
In the supermarket I then found actually Greek yogurt and even in two variants. I have tried both, a decidedly from sheep's milk and from Kuchmilch with cream, and me ultimately to use the cream yoghurts. If you get no Greek yogurt, damaeq this recipe you can probably quite easily even with very plain yogurt imitate. It could be that you then Eisrohmasse gets smoother. If your ice maker rather preferred a thicker Eisrohmasse, then let the Eisrohmasse in the refrigerator with the locust bean gum just pull a little longer, so that the binding is then also already been more available. The Greek yogurt I had was not creamy stirred as you know the usual from these yogurt-four-packs or larger yogurt buckets damaeq or jars. This means that the Eisrohmasse should be really good and if possible several times by mixed or pureed. Are not thorough enough, then it may be here that the ice is brökelig in Aufbewährung later. Ingredients for about 15-17 balls (variant 1 with 32% Brix): 500g apricots (about 460g pitted) some water 30g acacia honey 25g apricot jam a few sprigs of fresh thyme 400g yogurt (Greek cream yoghurt) 250g acacia honey 2-3 tsp carob powder preparation : Wash, remove seeds and cut into medium sized pieces to the apricots. A pot with a sediment fill of water and add the apricots, as well as the 30g acacia honey, apricot jam and the leaves of thyme inside. Slowly cook this mixture into a compote and at best can be drawn on another night. (Then the aroma of thyme is better.) On the next day the compote add the yogurt and the remaining acacia honey and everything was very good and possibly damaeq puree or mix several times. Last now add the carob powder and durchpürieren the Eisrohmasse again vigorously or mix. Conversion table alternative sweeteners acacia honey, agave syrup (15% Brix) glucose syrup (recipe 10% Brix) invert damaeq sugar (recipe 15%) invert 72.7 (13% Brix) 250g 375g 250g 288g
A summary of the event can be found here. This paper presents my participation in the Blog Event XCIX - recipes with yogurt Greek style (without lottery participation) organized by http://www.kochtopf.me is Greek yogurt. Guccus quote from the gourmet temple on The Greek Kitchen: "Greek yogurt damaeq is also traditionally made not only from Kuchmilch, but also from sheep's or goat's milk and is thicker and richer than the usual with us. Thicker consistency is achieved as the Turkish yoghurt in the yoghurt (traditionally a cloth) drips and thereby puncture resistant is the best-known uses are probably the yogurt sauce and tzatziki with honey as a dessert, but is yogurt -.. especially in Crete - also used for the preparation of stews ".
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The Gelato World Tour will be held on 22-24th Of August at Alexanderplatz in Berlin. Admission is free. Further information is available here. Ice cream culture in other countries: South Africa New Zealand United States Belgium Thailand Morocco
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