Sunday, August 24, 2014

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Teeth are composed of three layers: glaze, dentine and pulp. Enamel is the outer layer and the strongest of teeth. After the enamel-dentin layer comes esDentina, as compared with the enamel is soft. Pulp in depth is also located here, which are nerves that cause tooth ache. IF lacking dental care these layers break down and soften becoming ill due to the teeth!
How is decay? We qofese not brush teeth, microbes feed on leftover food debris large ice cube tray in the teeth to produce acids. Acids are dangerous for teeth because they are the cause of tooth decay. IF Destruction does not fill teeth cleaned and what happens? The destruction large ice cube tray is even greater due to being made to provide tooth pain. IF tooth left untreated, over time the pain is increasing and finally tooth should be removed. large ice cube tray IF already deeply broken tooth is not removed, the infection caused by it becomes the cause of kidney disease, the heart, the joints and hair fall. About flesh tooth is teeth. When patients gums, swelling and fry it.
How can we preserve our teeth from decay? To preserve the teeth from decay is the best way to wash their brush! When to brush your teeth? In the morning, after meals, at lunch, after meals, in the evening before bedtime.
How should brush their teeth in order to clean it better? The teeth should be washed on all surfaces. When news teeth with brush should rub the gums. Thus we prevent gum swelling and rashes.
Between meals should not eat potato chips, Coca-Cola, large ice cube tray ice cream and the like. If you must eat something bland mouth or chew gum, if not done so facilitate decay.
The teeth should be cleaned large ice cube tray with brush definitely after eating sweets. To prevent tooth decay should be used between the godchild (PERI) of the tooth. To preserve the teeth from decay have that one once every 6 months to check the dentist. How often you check the teeth to the dentist so healthy you will. If you have bad teeth dentist cleans and then makes them SATURATION
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