Saturday, August 30, 2014

The first step is to establish a clear goal, then work to achieve rješenje it. It is important to s

"There is a driving force more powerful rješenje than the vapor, electricity and atomic energy, that is the will," said Einstein. And she is right: we need willpower to achieve big goals in life (as in school, as well as work), or to achieve daily targets (for weight reduction, to save). Sometimes it can be difficult to control yourself, to hold, to keep the commitments that you have loaded. But how to achieve rješenje a goal? In fact, willpower is like a muscle: it can be strengthened with practice. Here's 20 strategies to strengthen and achieve your goals.
Peter GOLLWITZER, psychologist at the University of New York, has noticed that, when people fix a detailed program about what they want to do, where and when, are three times more likely to realize their proposals. Thus, fixing a day of the week to go to the gym (Wednesday, for example) is better than make empty promises type will do aerobics regularly. For GOLLWITZER-in, planning can turn a difficult decision in a simple habit.
To exercise your self-control, start from under less severe. This has proven Roy Baumeister-i, psychologist at the University of Florida, asking a group of people to focus on their behavior for two weeks. They had to stand straight and be quiet. In little time, their skills, and other evidence of self-control were improved. Thus, by exercising willpower in a certain rješenje area of life can have a positive impact on other areas. First you must start with simple projects (for example how to keep regular desktop), to pass then to the most intrusive (empty rješenje your garage filled for years with all sorts of things).
The first step is to establish a clear goal, then work to achieve rješenje it. It is important to set goals gradually. There is no immediately practical to have an ambitious goal: it is better to follow a line and do things slowly, without haste, following HAPs step. So can get what you want and guide yourself.
Would you be weak? Record Start diet and your weight changes in your handset: there are those that show calories than you lost or taken. Also, can you keep a notebook, where the tick successes of the day. It gives you confidence. If you have not achieved the goal that day, will succeed tomorrow. By monitoring progress, strengthen the will to continue and build self-control. Persons who weighed rješenje every day are more prone to break down the excess kilos compared with those who only weighed once a week.
Our strength rješenje of will is inclined to ezaurohet when engaged for a long time. To exercise willpower is like a muscle set in motion and have some time to recover lost energy. In one of the experiments made for this purpose, scientists had introduced a group of volunteers in a room filled with candy and told them to wait. Some of them was allowed rješenje to enjoy all the sweets, while others were asked to taste just revaninë. Then all the volunteers were taken to another room to solve a geometry problem. Persons who had eaten all the sweets, managed to settle for 20 minutes, while those who had fought the temptation and had only tasted a dessert type able to finish the job for 8 minutes. Exercise self-control had brought a mental strain, energy consumed by other tasks needed. "Willpower lets you go beyond the immediate satisfaction, in order to see the fruits of patience. However, it can be used for a certain time: like everything rješenje needs rest, "explains Kathleen Vohs-i, a psychologist at the University of Minnesota.
The level of glucose in the blood affects the ability of self-control. Todd Heatherton, a professor of psychology and brain sciences at the University "Dartmouth College" of Hanover, has verified this problem through an experiment with 45 women in the diet. The researcher observed that the vision of food images after willpower is put to the test (for example the strain bearing the laughter when you see a comic movie) promotes a great activity in the "nucleus accumbens" reward center of the brain and decreased activation in the amygdala, which helps in controlling impulses. But this does not happen when people are given a sugary drink. Basically, the strain will cause a decrease in glucose and this causes some areas to be more active than others, leading to a loss of self-control until the situation is restored to its previous condition.
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