Monday, August 18, 2014

With the current weather ice or indeed frozen yoghurt is just right. In Zurich has put up some time

Review: Frozen yogurt with yoo moo in Zurich | Swiss Lifestyle Blog -
With the current weather ice or indeed frozen yoghurt is just right. In Zurich has put up some time ago near the merchants of the Frozen Yoghurt Shop yoo moo. I do not remember exactly where I had frozen yoghurt gradnja for the first time, in any case, I loved it but unfortunately here in Switzerland get nowhere. Of course I had to test the store necessarily.
The shop looks very modern and many people who are huddled around the yogurt machines. gradnja After some initial confusion, as it works now, was then also clear here, there is self-service. So take cup and enifüllen frozen yoghurt in grades Nature, strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. Interestingly, the Nature yogurt around 10 calories more like vanilla or strawberry and no matter how chocolate. After Frozen yogurt you choose the toppings and here it is hard to decide, so big is the selection. I would have still cornflakes desired for the crunchy effect, but it was so delicious. 've Decided Oreos, Smarties and many fruits. Of course I also had to take a couple of rubber stuff. Is then topped with sauces such as caramel or chocolate. gradnja
You pay by weight to CHF 3.50 per 100gr. Since I could not restrain myself, I paid around CHF 10. Conclusion: I Love Frozen Yogurt! And the great delicacies that you can choose yourself make the Nascherlebniss perfect.
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