Monday, May 18, 2015

Supreme Court rejects the request of Doshi, MP:

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Supreme Court rejects the request of Doshi, MP: "I messages with Tony's Spartak Combine Brahos" Veliaj with young people: Do not want Shkelzen model, which is done by the Hollywood movie The Stabilisation and Association Council EU-Albania, Bushati -Hahn: concrete commitment for five priorities "Gulen" Tahiri: Erdogan's request took the appropriate response of the Gerdec tragedy, the international traffic of arms and Efraim Diveroli history and return to the movie Shkëlzen hawaiian shave ice Berisha's Democratic Party candidates competing, everyone pocket campaign We own. Any penny from the party fund
A distant war and a battle without ideal for Albanians unexpected dailies and television hawaiian shave ice news, came in first in ordinary hawaiian shave ice conversations while concern was articulated in public discourse. ISIS and ethnicity Islamic caliphate state, a name derived from the archives hawaiian shave ice of the beginning of the last century when it was dying after the fall of the last sultan in Istanbul, has encompassed the whole world with monstruozitetet and intolerance, reminding us that really hawaiian shave ice have time to but we try and say that the world has become better, but in it, there are still pockets and mist where the Other hatred and violence are seen as the only means to promote hawaiian shave ice different ideas and beliefs. Yes çlidhje can have between a long proclaimed Albania since its founding hawaiian shave ice as an independent national hawaiian shave ice state as secular and fundamentalist jihad many kilometers away from us? The issue is serious, but not to give the alarm to the limits of fear. In the war in Syria and the creation of ISIS has and Albanian, and this fact can not be overlooked. From more than a year we hear and to kill in Syria among Albanians there onwards the border, until we saw the outrageous footage of Lavdrim Muhaxheri that shocked us all. During a rapid and chaotic transition, state and statehood edifice has not functioned properly. hawaiian shave ice This is true for social welfare, education, culture to religion. hawaiian shave ice Personally I am not a partisan of state intervention in everything and everywhere, even people who exhibit such tendencies are doomed to fail, but I do not believe that it is a sacrilege if I say that the total absence of the state in the suburbs is gradually hawaiian shave ice replaced by other institutions have allegedly approached a social care benefit and soldiers prepared to join the violence. hawaiian shave ice
There is no great philosophy to understand this social deviation that occurred in our suburbs, such as similar models are displayed wherever the place of a secular trend of society has fallen aggressiveness declared a religion. Egypt, Algeria are typical examples where social changes started toward secularism in the 60 ', with the corruption of their elites not build functional democracies, their peripheries hawaiian shave ice soon found themselves under the influence of Wahhabism and stuck by fever religious fanaticism. Albania certainly is a different case, it not only that we are far away geographically with North African countries, but although we have not much in common with them, the perception about the West of Europe. However, despite this, unfortunately a troop of young Albanians from Kosovo, Macedonia hawaiian shave ice and Albania have fled "Nizam", as in a long time ago to be listed in ISIS's hawaiian shave ice forces. Please understand, we are not asking imaginary enemies or express mentality are bunkers, but otherwise has not explained how this new getaway "Nizam" where "bread hawaiian shave ice baked in the sun" for getting in a fight that does not care at all Albania and society our. It seems clear that the old formula versus contracted kombformuese religious identity, but it is an old battle as much there and the Albanian state. Not to fall into the trap of the opposition daily, culture, art, national consciousness, history, state social welfare of the individual should be found not only in urban centers but also in remote corners of the Albanian suburbs. Have we managed to have such a reality? Undoubtedly not. Everything in Albania is concentrated in the center and small towns of Albanian missed, but are lost in grief is kridhen and in the darkness of ignorance hawaiian shave ice produced hawaiian shave ice by our modern civilization of individualism and exclusion at work that no profit. Our towns are no cinemas, no library, no amateur theater without museum where young people can sendërtojnë their culture and learn about universalism and successful hawaiian shave ice models of social integration. Unfortunately the only viable institution like schools, can not ot

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