Saturday, May 16, 2015

You are invited to register in the forum in order for to participate in forum discussions by expres

You are invited to register in the forum in order for to participate in forum discussions by expressing your opinion. Registration is free. Weekly ice blitz Poll: Do you have faith in the law of the state to protect the life to you as a citizen?
Empty Earth theory or Hollow Earth From long time I have wanted to open this topic but commitments to other topics in the forum not to have helped. For its very nature it is a broad topic and it requires a relatively long time to appear all the evidence, facts and theories for the existence of an underground world and themselves ice blitz gap that may have our globe. Throughout the recorded history of mankind is talking about the underground world, its creatures and hell that represents this world. Since the mythology of religious texts to find strong traces of descriptions of an unreal world filled with divine figure of half divine, mystical and frightening being considered human imagination and his fears to an unknown that has left such for thousands of years and is affected only by a handful of people ice blitz to choose from. Continuously from this realm messages that are heard by those who have kept open ears and open minds to understand ice blitz what you do not understand and can accept the twisted human mind. Twisted tell because we as human beings ice blitz are not aware of the great power that we have in our brains and limit the fear of the unknown by denying him the use of the gift with great that we have from nature or from the copyright holder (whichever). Among centuries and endrrimtare brave people they have tried to find ways to come across this unknown. Many have failed to and with their lives. Some here have succeeded and have left their testimony that even to this day continues to be rejected mengeneje you forgive what has interlocking human mind and let it explode with all its power. Today more than ever humanity is approaching ice blitz the limits ice blitz of knowledge by trying to overcome them. The demands the advancement of science, technology, opinion and perception. It urges those in our solar system bodies and beyond his daring to expand the range of research across ice blitz the entire cosmos and the universe. But we must not forget that our globe itself is still full of mysteries. We must not forget ice blitz how important discoveries have been made in recent years when no thought left with something to be discovered. We know very well the surface of the moon and Mars but we do not know yet what depths through Amazon deleted and African tropical jungle. Best know satellites of Saturn and Jupiter but still do not know to explain ice blitz the strong voices that come to us from the past and present of the existence of something very incredible under our feet. We try to take the map of our solar system, our galaxy and others, trying to find how they were created and when will have an end and still not know even 1% of what it represents the interior of our globe. And here is the great mystery that still remains to be discovered. Geology with its accuracy and inaccuracies come to help us to understand and learn more about the history ice blitz of our planet as a body and as construction. But like any science it has always need for improvement and changes in concepts and by this rule it can not make an exception. I titled this topic Theory of the Earth Empty or Hollow Earth (then the world changed ice blitz in the Underground or Hollow Earth) as this is the subject that I want to treat. Little will focus its scientific aspect and would continue in that the entire mouth can be considered as an integral part of a paranormal reality and completely mysterious to us as human beings. Empty or not our Earth? What are the facts that support this theory? It has or does not have space to enable the conditions for a society to live there for hundreds and even thousands of years? Are there traces and evidence to prove this theory pro? Who are the beings who can live below our feet and why they have made this choice? Whose culture of belonging and respect what they have with the distant past of mankind, a past which is part of the history of recorded and you can go back in time tens of thousands of years? These are some of the questions we will try to give a reply to this topic. The materials are numerous, some of them deeply embedded in my mind, some in some other internet through books you own. But no matter the time it will need to present as many of them. It is important that at the end to provide a general overview and perhaps help in providing some answers that may barisin somewhere in the corner of our mind but skemi dare to say out loud. After all this is and the cavalcade ice blitz of human society itself, are always searching for answers to our questions and never lining that will not find them striving for a response. Order

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